Tricks : More web traffic and new visitors for your website and blog

Hope if you are using Google analytics you  might have already noticed that new visitors are coming to your website or blog. (If  you new to  Google analytics please visit and create  account today.itself.) One of the best ways to grow your blog productivity is finding new visitors for your blog, Here are some tips I hope that would work fine when you follow them.
Every day search engines send millions of new peoples (website visitors) to your web sites and blogs based on its popularity on the web, so you need to optimizing your blog for search engines . All you have to do is know about the basic of seo (search engine optimization)  and to optimize your blog for search engines. Updating your blog regularly with unique, fresh and informative contents also give more value  and improve you to get new visitors from search results. First and foremost thing is the content. Try to add as much content and and as frequent as possible. This single measure can solve all other problems and get you lots of targeted traffic through search engines. Though no search engine penalizes for duplicate content, try to post unique content as its essential to develop loyal readers for your blog or website .
Free classifieds submissions:
There are plenty of free classifieds sites out there where you can submit the news about your newproducts and services. It is a good and effective way to find  good clients for your business too. Most of the classifieds  sites are high Page ranked and millions of visitors are flowing across the web. We can use such sites to get new visitors.
Commenting on other blogs:
If a new visitors find your link on other blog and they will end up your blog through the link which your have commented on other blog .
Getting back links:
Now, if you are adding some unique and useful content then you can get backlinks without any extra efforts. Otherwise developing backlinks can be a very tedious job. Various methods include – link exchange, do-follow blog commenting, do-follow forum posting, top-commentator blogs commenting extra. Backlinks can get you a higher ranking i search engine results, and thus increase your traffic.
More Tips: :D
1) Optimize your web pages for content
This is very important, most people think that link building is more important than the content itself. But you cannt undermine the importance of Web pages themselves. Optimize your web pages for the most relevant keywords.If you have keywords that can have different category then better add separate page for them.
2) Optimize pages for title and meta tags
In addition to content each page has to be optimized for title and meta tags.It is pitty that most people only focus on home page and ignore rest of pages.
3) Social Media Optimization
SMO is another way for increasing the traffic directly.
4) Relevant, interesting and useful content
Let your web pages have unique and interesting content which are useful for visitors and who can keep coming back to your website. Always keep updating your content if you can.
5) Blog
Blogs are dynamic and easy to promote. They can be used to bring traffic to your main website.
6) Articles
Write articles and provide links to your main website.

How to Recover from the Google Panda Update

In this article I am going to tell how torecover from the Google Panda update. Panda was implemented on February 24th, so if your rankings are down before or much later, the reason could be something else. You need to check and make sure your Google analytics before you blame the new Google algorithm.
Google Panda update target:
  1. Duplicate content.
  2. Not enough text on the page.
  3. No internal or external links to the page.
  4. Google Panda looks at individual pages for low value including content, links, page loading time, unwanted java scripts , ads on page etc.
  5. Page loading time.
  6. Link and content farm websites.
  7. Site has large number of useless information indexed in Google.
  8. Site has no SEO friendly structure.The following are some steps you can  try to recover the lost traffic from Google search.
Improving the quality of your content in general. Make sure your website content is not a copy of any another website content. Always provide fresh and unique content. Google Panda updates targets low quality content websites. So you need to make sure that you are providing good quality content for better user experience.
Now, Google only give priority to top quality contents on its search results. Bad quality content website will go in darkness forever. Keep in mind that reconsideration request on Google may not work in this panda update case . So, you need to be very careful.
Advertisements on your website. Please make sure you are not showing too many ads on your pages. External ads will hurt you. If we use link to external pages we should make it a no follow link. Bad advertisement neighborhood  is also a major problem if you are caught by Google Panda updates.
Please remove unwanted keyword stuffing on your pages. Use only the right and minimal keywords for your web pages and do not add non content related keywords to your pages. So, I recommend you all to give priority to your most valuable keywords. Your target keyword should be added in the first sentence of the article and should be made bold. So friends please make sure it is in the first paragraph itself.
You must ensure that you are using the correct spellings, grammar, syntax while creating yourarticles or web page contents. Even when you submit your contents to any blog or articles submission directories.
You must immediately remove poor quality contents from your web pages. Try to update with high quality page contents.
If your website domain is hurt by Google Panda update , please try to create sub domains and try to update with fresh and new contents. Also you need to link several pages internally that are related to your main content keywords. If you are not using internal linking please try that today itself. Link building is a main solution for Google panda update. You should link to several pages internally that are related to your keywords.
You need to try both On page optimization and Off page optimization  which are very important.
In Googles new search algorithm and panda update targets (low quality) content websites. This Google Panda update is designed to reduce rankings for low quality sites which are low value added for Google search users. So, you need to make sure your each and every article is having good quality. Your article’s  content must be informative, filled with quality editorial content and must be easy to navigate.
Re design your existing pages for better user experience. Fast loading, good content structure, easy navigational and good quality contents are a added advantage.

How to Redesign a Good Website After the Google Panda Update‏

Today I am going to tell you how to redesign a good website after the Google Panda update. Google is not only looking for good article websites, the layout and other things are also very valuable on Google’s new algorithm.  So you have to think and update your existing website design. You need to produce a good looking and fast loading website.
I request you to go through my other article onGoogle panda Updates before reading this. Here are a few things you can follow to update your pages. First of all I am going to tell you how to create  a simple layout to attract Google.
Try and create a two column website design.  Place the logo to the top left side of the page. On the right hand side you can place the latest article title withlink. Then you place your top menu. After placing the top menu you should think about placing content on the main part.
Here in this image you can see the latest headline section. There you can place your last 10 article titles. Don’t  forget to link it with your article summary. Please keep in mind that do not add too much title on the top of the page.  10 article titles are good enough.
After that you can place latest articles with summary. You can place 5 to 10 articles in the main page. Please try to avoid adding too many tags for the post. Google may consider this as spamming. Please make sure all your  contents are accessible from the main page of your website.
Now you can think about the side bar. Your side-bar must be simple and good looking. Do not add too much ads on the sidebar. Try to add minimal graphics and ads. Do not add any ads on the top half side of your pages.  You can place your ads somewhere after the mid portion of your web page.
You must give more importance to the content of your pages and  not for any ads. Fast loading and good navigational websites are good in terms of new Google’s algorithm. Please make sure your website is fast loading and giving good navigational values.
On the top of your sidebar add your main categories. Do not make too many unwanted categories.It will confuse the search engines. So make it as simple as possible.  After your categories you can place your ad banners. I told you earlier please try to avoid adding too many banners.  Banners will take time to load on your pages . This will seriously affect your Google ranking. Not just that people prefer less advertisement  websites.
Try to give a new experience on your site users. Force them to come back to your website and let them add some plus mark for you!.
Now you need to think about making your footer. Add a top navigational link menu in the footer also. This is good for Google Crawler. Google Panda update is targeting for bad looking websites. Do not make your users confused. Always make your website simple and humble. Please don’t add too many content and links on the footer.
Do not add unwanted pages and non related contents. Only provide your website related with fresh and unique contents. Make sure that you have not added any keyword stuffing on your pages. Adding too many tags are also considered as keyword spamming . So keep away from such behaviors. Try to boost your good design and content in front of new Google’s Panda updates.
I am sure a well structured and good content website will have all the value in Google’s new algorithm. The core idea is this make sure your website is simple and good looking. Less ads, fast loading, minimal graphics and less java scripts etc.
Also while adding image on your articles or on your pages, please add relevant alt tags, it is very valuable in Google’s new algorithm. Be a trust worthy fellow to your website users. Then search engines will also trust you. Google’s new change is for it’s users. Google wanted it’s users to be happy and get 100%  satisfaction while they are on Google search. Google don’t want to direct it’s users to any wrong place. So if your website is catchy, you can definitively drive the real and valuable Google search users to your website.
Google Panda loves good articles rich, simple and nice designed websites. Keep away from unwanted SEO methods. So friends try to make a good website and make Google panda as your lovely lover for ever.

10 Latest Important Tricks for Better SEO

10 Latest Important Tricks for Better SEO
1. Domain Name:
Chose your domain name very carefully and do not buy a fresh new name if it is not necessary . Better you go for an old domain name or try to buy an expired domain name because now a days the age of the domain really matters.
The search engine giant Google likes the domain with more age so the older domain is better than a new domain name. Before you go for an old domain name, please try to make sure the ranking of the domain from Alexa. It will be an added advantage. It is better to find short domain names, most of the search engines like short domain names.
2. Keywords:
We all know  that keyword is the key to our website. While people search on Google and other search engines we must come at the top of the search. Everybody is looking for that . For achieving such an important position we must choose the right keywords very carefully and intelligently .
Try to do a keyword research. Keywords are very important for a good search engine optimization. If we can find better and seo friendly keywords, it will be an added advantage for every individual websites.
For finding better keywords we need to make proper studies. Really we need to spend some good amount of time for such important seo things. Be serious about your keywords. Choose the right keywords in your text. See what terms users are searching on in Google and make sure they appear on your website. If you can enter better and targeted keywords,I am sure you will get more traffic soon.
3. Size of your web pages:
Keep the size of a web page less than 50KB. So it will download fast and visitors do not have to wait for a long time. The ideal size preferred by search engines is 15 KB. A fast loading and search engine web pages can do wonders in SEO.
4. Content of your pages:
Try to update your content as frequent as possible, update with new things every day. Search engines  are looking for fresh, unique and good content. When ever you post such contents, readers will be interested on your content and they will come back to your website or blog frequently and keep them updated of what ever you write on your blog. This helps in getting more unique visitors and traffic to your site.
Try to avoid unwanted content. So add good search engine friendly and keyword rich content to your web pages. Please do not put too much of the content in flash,images and I frames as Search engine crawlers will find it difficult to read that.
5. Links:
Links are considered as votes. It is good if you get recommendations to your site from the other related sites. Linking to other sites are very important as someone referring to you is always a good thing and most of the search engines like it . So try to comment on other related blogs and try to get link from other websites, its really worthfull.
Normally webmasters do not allow bad or low quality comments. So make sure your comments are good and impressive. Keep this in mind, please do not SPAM it. It will make a bad impression for your website in search engines.
6. Title of your contents:
It is good practice to keep the title under 64 characters. Good for search engines. Page titles are just one of the many factors involved in gaining web popularity.  Search engines like Google prefers shorten URLs .
7. Site map:
Build a site map so that search engines can easily navigate your web site and include them in the search results. When the search engine crawl your website, it will look for a site map. So please find some time to accommodate good and simple site map in your website.
8. List your website in directories:
One of the most known directory is DMOZ, try to get a back link from this website. If your site is from India try to add your website in, this one is a good directory.
You can find a lot of good business directories online from Google, try to spend about 1 or 2 hours a day adding your site and comments to each of these sites and see the magic of back links ,watch your traffic will grow day by day.
9. Registering with social media networking websites:
Please try to register your blog in social media networks like Twitter, Face bookk, Linked In, Digg,YouTube, My Space and many more. Share your contents in it and get   more traffic.
10. Getting traffic from RSS Feed:
Subscription to your RSS feeds would get a good amount of traffic into your blog and websites. Once the traffic coming to blog or website, automatically the search engine rankings also increase.
Hope this article  helped you to understand something about new seo tips , good luck.

10 Quick Off Site SEO Tips for Your Website

10 Quick Off Site SEO Tips for Your Website
Deep Link Building
Deep links are very valuable for your website. We can call this link as inbound links. Deep links will point to a page other than your home page. Adding links to inside pages are very good for better SEO. Try to get maximum exposure from deep link building.
In-Bound and External Links
Use Social Networking Tools
Keyword Analysis
Competitor Website Analysis
Keep Away from  Duplicate Content
Make Sure You have a Good Blog and RSS Feeds
Paid Search Engine Inclusion
Add Your Website to Web Directories & Classifieds
Do SEO and Try with Traditional Marketing Ideas

latest SEO ideas 31 Tips 2012

SEO methods are changing day by day. Try to update with latest SEO ideas. Here I would like to share few SEO tips for my friends.
  1. Get links from good social media profiles.
  2. Try to include Google+ in all your web pages.
  3. Completed profile information on Google plus/Google profiles and link it from your webpage.
  4. Try to get link back from .org domains.
  5. Add Facebook like and share buttons to your webpage and try to promote your pages through social networks.
  6. Make  quality content for users and not for search engines.
  7. Include your business information in Google places.
  8. Publish press release with right content and links.
  9. Be a part of  forums. Try to interact with people.
  10. Do blogging and start valuable commenting on others blog.
  11. Write keyword rich articles.
  12. Make XML sitemap and inform Google  through webmaster tools.
  13. Optimize your page title with search keywords.
  14. Optimize your WebPages with right unique meta descriptions.
  15. Add H tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) towards the page heading and sub headings without keyword stuffing.
  16. Have text links in header and footer of the web Pages.
  17. Make SEO friendly URLs with keyword rich page names.
  18. Have CSS (Style sheets) in external file.
  19. Have JavaScript’s in external file.
  20. Make sure that the site loads fast.
  21. Have the home page size less than 15kb.
  22. Do link building with trusted directories.
  23. Create a mobile site and build it search engine friendly.
  24. Always check your traffic report in Google Analytic.
  25. Add your website to bookmarking websites.
  26. Send advertising & marketing emails. Keep in mind do not SPAM.
  27. Try to be a guest writer in other blogs.
  28. Add feed burner email subscription form to your website.
  29. Submit your website in local classifieds websites.
  30. Be an active member in social networking websites.
  31. A live blog is a must!

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Top 20 SEO Tools

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Find the best Free SEO Tools.  SEO Tools page.  Best Free SEO Tool page on the internet!
The SEO Tools listed here are one of the best Free SEO Tools u can get and i use each one of them for my SEO Research.

I have listed some of the best Free SEO Tools here as under

  1. What is the name of the Hosting Company  
  2. SEMOZ Tools                        
  3. Google Keyword Tool            
  4. Duplicate Content Checker    
  5. Cloaking Checker                  
  6. WWW and non www checker

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Latest SEO News | SEO News Updates - Google, Twitter, Social Updates: Latest Google Page Rank Update | PR Update 2011: "Here is a list of Lates Google Page Rank Updates for 2011 Year and other Old Page Rank Updates Toolbar Pagerank Update – JANUARY 2011 Toolb..."

Google Shows: New Chrome OS Notebooks

The Chromebooks, which aim to compete with rivals like Apple's iPad, are made by Samsung and Acer and range in price from $350 to $500 in the US. Google said they also went on sale in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

While the Chromebooks feature webcams and USB ports, they both lack hard drives, envisaging a model in which users will do all their computing online. Users store their files in the cloud using Google's free online software like Picasa for photos, Gmail for email and Google Docs for word processing spread sheets and slide shows.

The computer is activated by using the Google log-in. This means that documents, bookmarks and other preferences remain identical on whatever Chromebook one uses, as well as in different Chrome browsers used on other computers.

Boast an impressive eight hours-plus of battery time, start-up time of less than 10 seconds, and minimal risk of viruses and malware.

Chromebooks won't be right for everyone, but for some users, they'll be a welcome change from the tethered-down and often bloated world of traditional PCs.

source link:

Google Chromebook Prices Samsung and Acer!

Buy Google Chromebooks online -Samsung & Acer

The Google Chromebooks with the Google Chrome OS have been unveiled and launched into the market, but they are as of now available only in the 2 popular online stores and yet to come to the local stores and retail digital stores. The Google Chromebooks come with 2 brands – Samsung and Acer.

Amazon and Bestbuy are the 2 places online where you can purchase the Chromebooks. 

Here are the different models and prices of the Google Chromebooks -

  • Samsung Series 5 3G Chromebook Arctic White Color – $499.99
  • Samsung Series 5 3G Chromebook Titan Silver Color – $499.99
  • Samsung Series 5 Wi-Fi Chromebook Arctic White Color – $429.99
  • Samsung Series 5 Wi-Fi Chromebook Titan Silver Color – $429.99
  • Acer AC700 3G Chromebook – $429.99
  • Acer AC700 Wi-Fi Chromebook – $349.99

Samsung Chromebook Specifications -

  • 12.1″ display – 1200 x 800 pixels resolution
  • Intel® Atom Dual-Core Processor
  • Google Chrome operating system
  • Battery life – 8.5 hours
  • 3G Model – Connectivity via Verizon Wireless 3G, and Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi Model – Connectivity via Wi-Fi
  • 2 USB 2.0 ports, 1 4-in-1 memory card reader slot, Mini-VGA port

Acer Chromebook Specifications

  • 11.6″ HD Widescreen Display
  • CineCrystal LED-backlit LCD monitor screen
  • Intel® Atom Dual-Core Processor
  • Google Chrome operating system
  • Battery life – 6 hours
  • 3G Model – Connectivity via Verizon Wireless 3G, and Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi Model – Connectivity via Wi-Fi
  • 2 USB 2.0 ports, memory card slot, HDMI port for connecting to larger screens