latest SEO ideas 31 Tips 2012

SEO methods are changing day by day. Try to update with latest SEO ideas. Here I would like to share few SEO tips for my friends.
  1. Get links from good social media profiles.
  2. Try to include Google+ in all your web pages.
  3. Completed profile information on Google plus/Google profiles and link it from your webpage.
  4. Try to get link back from .org domains.
  5. Add Facebook like and share buttons to your webpage and try to promote your pages through social networks.
  6. Make  quality content for users and not for search engines.
  7. Include your business information in Google places.
  8. Publish press release with right content and links.
  9. Be a part of  forums. Try to interact with people.
  10. Do blogging and start valuable commenting on others blog.
  11. Write keyword rich articles.
  12. Make XML sitemap and inform Google  through webmaster tools.
  13. Optimize your page title with search keywords.
  14. Optimize your WebPages with right unique meta descriptions.
  15. Add H tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) towards the page heading and sub headings without keyword stuffing.
  16. Have text links in header and footer of the web Pages.
  17. Make SEO friendly URLs with keyword rich page names.
  18. Have CSS (Style sheets) in external file.
  19. Have JavaScript’s in external file.
  20. Make sure that the site loads fast.
  21. Have the home page size less than 15kb.
  22. Do link building with trusted directories.
  23. Create a mobile site and build it search engine friendly.
  24. Always check your traffic report in Google Analytic.
  25. Add your website to bookmarking websites.
  26. Send advertising & marketing emails. Keep in mind do not SPAM.
  27. Try to be a guest writer in other blogs.
  28. Add feed burner email subscription form to your website.
  29. Submit your website in local classifieds websites.
  30. Be an active member in social networking websites.
  31. A live blog is a must!

2 Responses to "latest SEO ideas 31 Tips 2012"

  1. I was impressed with your Ideas regarding SEO and I think this can be a big help. Thank you for sharing.

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  2. As you said google plus helps website popularity and it have do follow.

    Thanks for info.

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