Google's new search index Caffeine goes live

Google's new Caffeine search index will crawl the Web more frequently and in smaller bites in hopes of amassing Web content more quickly and comprehensively than before.
(Credit: Google)

Google recently updated it indexing style called caffeine. Why it is named as Caffeine? Yes I have answer for this question read carefully. The old google indexing  is not caffeinated.  But the recent Indexing is caffeinated.  It means that old type of algorithm is slow and with no kick. But the Caffeine is speed with newly written content and which have some kicks like alcohol that’s  it. So caffeine tells us how the google finds the contents and how  it is delivering to the end users. The new style of this algorithm which really kicks web masters.
Caffeine claims its fast and fresh content delivery, Now the google giving 50%  fresh contents and which is really real time contents!!. So surely it beats Phased indexing.
Google cafeine update Claimed to contain 50% fresher results. Instead of being a “phased” indexing process… it is now more “real time”.
The very very important think in it is google reduced it indexing length for most of the categories. Because of that it is expected almost of the spamming sites or blog will be deindexed. For example the number of search result found in old search is 169,000,000 , but now it is reduced as 98,700,000 . So the users can browse now spam free search.
In another region google increased its indexing size!!!. Some of the sites were  getting increased search results through this caffeine update, example  , ezine articles etc.
Google caffeine giving more important to the on page seo. It is must to know more about on page seo.
How  can caffeine affect your site ?
According to my point of  view small level sites which does not have  problem with ranking but some of the big level sites were affected by this algo like amazon dot com.
Please visit my SEO Tips  blog again and again I will update you recent seo news. Soon I will update continuation of  this post soon.

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