SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques are a set of specific tasks that would be performed by a Search Engine Optimization Company, when employed by a Client who desires high search engine positions to attract targeted traffic, with the intention of increasing their conversion rates and brand awareness.

Effective Website Optimization should enable the Search Engines to Index a site, utilising the most relevant keywords, related to the content which is promoting the goods and services offered by the Client. Implementing successful SEO Techniques require's an extensive knowledge of logic and a very good understanding of the targeted market sector.

Search Engine Optimization must be focused towards Human visitors in order to achieve good quality traffic and conversion rates. Page Content should be specific, informative and relevant to a search query. Writing relevant, quality content is one of the most important factors or SEO Techniques, which will unlock the doors of your website to real visitors.

A website is a visual and graphic interface to a Company. The web designer will incorporate many skills including graphic design and expert coding to represent the Clients goods and services, to reflect the quality, expertise and brand of the Client. The foundation of strong SEO Techniques should be developed prior to the website design stage by an SEO Specialist. The combination of a professional web designer and SEO professional working in tandem will result in an effective Internet platform, for Search Engine Marketing.

The are many methods of installing good SEO Techniques, but be aware that there are bad techniques that should not be used and avoided at all cost.

Bad techniques include Hidden Text, Optimizing Irrelevant keywords, linking to bad neighbours, keyword stuffing and Doorway or Gateway Pages. These methods of SEO will reveal very little relevant traffic, bad conversion rates and have a high chance of getting your website banned from the search engine index. These methods are often used by "so called" SEO companies offering services at very, very cheap rates.

The Development of your Internet Marketing Strategy is an ongoing process, when optimizing for natural relevant search engine results. The SEO specialist will become an integral part of the Marketing Team.

Studying Market Trends and the analysis of competitors and consumers, combined with extensive keyword research will form the basis of the optimization methodology and will outline the SEO Techniques required for the Internet Marketing Strategy.

Key factors to combine within the SEO Project Plan are as follows;

Domain Name - Short names are easier to remember ! Include short Primary Keywords ! without hyphens were possible.

Domain Extension - .com or .net For the Global Market. Use for UK Country specific traffic

Host Location - If your attracting UK business host in the UK.

URL Names - include relevant keywords - unique to each page.

Robots.txt - A file which permits or denies access to robots or crawlers to areas of your site.

Navigation Structure - Keep it simple.

Meta Tags - Title and Description. - Unique detail for each page, related to page content.

H1 Tags - Use for the short on page content description.

H2 and H3 Tags- Use for Headings for sub category's within the Content

Page Content - Critical Component.

Internal Keyword Link Strategy - Use targeted keywords to link between pages.

Keyword Visibility - Within page Content.

Image Alt Tags - Helps with Accessibility.

Privacy Policy - Assures trust and confidentiality.

The site should confirm to the W3C standards.

Create and submit sitemap's - formatted in either .xml -.htm - .txt.

Create and submit RSS feeds to relevant feed directory's

Create and submit Articles

Find relevant websites within the same market sector or niche and form a link partnership.

Submit your website to relevant or industry related directory's.

A link exchange should be formed by utilising relevant keyword Anchor Text.

Utilise relevant Social Networks and Forums related to your Market Sector.

Utilise Blog sites relevant to your Market Sector.

The above factors are proven SEO Techniques, that will help increase targeted traffic from achieving good or high ranking search engine positions.

SEO Techniques

So you want Your website to be on the first page of every Search Engine - SEO Techniques will help You get there! TheTechniques on this page will enpower You with the information that will move You towards that goal. Set Your aim high, the sky is the limit! Others have done it, so why can't You -- Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is really quite simple!
If You have been putting off optimizing Your website for a higher Search Engine results position, today is a good day to make Your start. SEO Techniques will make it much easier that You expected!
The following list of SEO Techniques will help you optimize your website so you will get a higher Search Engine Results Position (SERP). Some of the items can be done quickly -- others will take a bit of time.
If you complete all the items on the following list of SEO Techniques, give the Search Engines some time to send out their bots to deep crawl your website, your site traffic will increase. Make sure you are ready for it!

Search Engine Optimization -- What is it?

Optimizing your website so you will obtain a high search engine results position is what SEO Techniques is all about. It is reported that 65% of all websites visited start with a search from a search engine.
For people to find your site via a search engine, the site will require a high Search Engine Results Position (SERP). This means when they search keywords phrases like SEO techniques, they will find you site page on the first page of the search engine results. Ending up on the 10 page of the search engines results will not get you any traffic.
Getting a high SERP is a combination of a number of things. Leaving out any of the items on the following list of SEO Techniques can result in your page not getting as high a search engine results position as it could.

The SEO List

There are no tricks here, just a bit of work and some time. So let's get started by reading the following list of SEO Techniques!
  1. Domain & File Names: 
    Choose your site domain name that contains words from your primary keyword phrase. Your domain name should also be easy to spell and easy to remember. You keyword phrase also should in many cases go in your file name. Read this thread Keywords in the URL from SEO Chat Forum.
    For example I use the file name seo-techniques.html for this page.
  2. Keyword Phrases: 
    1. Use keywords that are being searched for. You can check your keyword phrases with either theSearch Term Suggestion Tool or the Overture Keyword Popularity Tool to find out how often they are being searched. You can also look at Google AdWords Keyword Suggestions for suggestions for different keyword phrases.
    2. Add keyword synonyms to your content.
    3. Put the keyword phrases in the <title>keyword phrase</title> .
    4. Insert the keyword phrases in a <h1>keyword phrase</h1> tag at the beginning of your page. Keyword synonyms should be put in your h2 & h3 tags. The h1, h2, h3 tags are used for titles and subtitles in articles.
    5. Make sure you use your keyword phrases from the page you are linking to, in your anchor text on the site map. i.e. SEO Techniques.
  3. Keyword Density: 
    Keyword density is a very important part of search engine optimization. Keyword density is the percent that your keyword or keyword phrase are of your web page text. You may want to look that your competition to see what keyword density they are using. To high a keyword density will be considered search engine spam and can get you blacklisted.
    Your keywords should be toward the top of your page and your keyword phrase be in either every paragraph or every second paragraph depending on your paragraph length.
  4. Bad Techniques:
    Bad search engine optimization techniques can get you blacklisted from a search engine. Some techniques that are considered spam are cloaking, invisible text, tiny text, identical pages, doorway pages, refresh tags, link farms, filling comment tags with keyword phrases only, keyword phrases in the author tag, keyword density to high, mirror pages and mirror sites.
    While these techniques might work to give you a higher ranking for short time in the long run they will hurt you.
    Google has a good article on Google information for webmasters that is very imformative if you are considering Getting a SEO Company to so work on your website.
  5. Title & Meta Description Tag: 
    Construction of your title tag is one of the most important things you need to do. Each page should have a different title with 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning. When search engine results are displayed the title is the first thing people see.
    Below the title is a description which will be either be taken from your meta name description content="Description phrase" or from the first sentence on at page. You description should also have 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning as so should your first sentence. You should have a different title, description and first sentence on each page. You many also what to try shorter titles with only one keyword or keyword phrase as this will raise you keyword relevance. Also you can consider putting your domain name at the very end of the title.
  6. Meta Keywords Tag:
    The meta keywords tag is not as relevant as it used to be and some say Google doesn't ever look at it anymore, but put it in anyway. It is as follows, <meta name="keywords" content="keywords,go,here" /> and put in it all your keywords and keyword phrases. This tag should be different for each page.
  7. Author & Robots Tags:
    The Author Tag should contain the name of the company that owns the site. This tag will help you get a #1 position for your company's name.
    <meta name="author" content="Solutions with Service" />
    Use a generic Robots Tag on all pages that you want indexed. This instructs the robots to crawl the page. The following is the generic robots tag.
    <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
  8. Quality Content: 
    Quality content will bring people back and as people always want to tell others about a good thing it will get you forward links from other sites. Your content should be written with your keyword phrases in mind
  9. Quantity Content: 
    The more the better. Just remember your content will need to be both quantity and quality.
  10. Changing Content: 
    You can do this by hand or with a script. For example you can have a php script that draws five paragraphs from a pool of twenty paragraphs when the content is different each time the php page is accessed. shows a sample of php script that will do this.
  11. Avoid Dynamic URLs:
    Are you pages via php, asp, or cf? Some search engines may have a problem indexing them. Create static pages whenever possible. Avoid symbols in your URLs like the "?" that you will often find in php, asp or cf pages.
    Static pages are the best but if you have a db driven site, make sure the menu and site map like go to inventory.cfm not inventory.cfm?vn=0 .
  12. Frames:
    Many search engines can't follow frame links. Make sure you provide an alternative method for the search engines to enter and index your site. For more information read Search Engines and Frames.
  13. Site Map:
    A good menu system is really a site map. A well constructed menu system that is on each page and contains a link to very page on the website is all you need.
  14. Site Themes:
    All of the top 3 search engines look for site themes or a common topic when they crawl a website. If your site is about one specific topic you will rank better than if you have more than one theme or topic on your site. By using similar keyword phrases in each page the search engines will detect a theme this will be to your advantage.
  15. Site Design:
    You may think, what does site design have to with search engine optimization. Well if your website has a bad color scheme that is hard to read, is not organized, is a cheesy looking site, then all your site optimization has been a waste of time. Make your site attractive to the viewer, make things easy to find, have you graphic header and menu bar the same place on each page.
    These things will keep your visitors on the site and bring them back. A well optimized site with a high search engine results position that is ugly and is hard find information on, will not keep the visitors your optimization has brought to the site.
    Use W3C Link Checker to make sure all your page links are good. If you have broken links on your site this can effect the ranking you are given.
    Put a proper doctype on each page. If you don't have a proper doctype on each page Internet Exployer will go into quirks mode and display it different.
    Use The W3C Markup Validate Service to verify that your pages are Validate HTML or XHTML code. The W3C validation will verify that your HTML or XHTML is not broken. This validation show you any broken code that could cause your webpages from displaying properly in all the different browsers and browser versions.
  16. Separate Content & Presentation:
    Put all your presentation code into Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS). This separates the presentation from the content and makes your html files up to 50% smaller. It is reported that the search engine bots prefer this and the more content you have compared to presentation in your file, the better you get rated. Read why tables for markup are stupid for an overview.
  17. Robots.txt File:
    While this file is not really required it should be included so that the search engine bots don't get 404 errors when they look for it. Just include the following 2 lines and drop it in the root.
    User-agent: *

SEO Tools

You can now submit your Internet based SEO Tools to this list at the SEO Tool Submission Page. There is a refundable review fee of $5. Only quality SEO Tools will be added to the list.
There is now a RSS feed for the SEO tools page and a XML to XHTML conversation page with a supporting CSS file which formats the RSS feed so it can be displayed formated. I am offering a feed of the tools with the awards so that means not just 20 links but 100's of inbound links for the award winners.
Here is the RSS feed  and you can down load a Tools-RSS-HowTo.txt, test-file.php, test-file2.php, seo-tools.css, and seo-tools-xml2xhtml.php here I require the awards be posted with the tools and I have a simple copyright notice with two links in it that will need to posted at the top of the page where the SEO tool list is displayed. Here is a demo page of what the whole feed looks like. Also here is what the feed looks like with the New SEO Tools category turned off and only the Alexa tools being displayed.
This tool list is copyrighted © 2003-2006 by SEO Company.
View my Free SEO Tools page which has my own set of tools.
Check out my Web Directory Submission Services.
Tool of the Month, Year & Most Improved Awards Go To...

New SEO Tools (8) Back to the top

Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.New
Enter URL, determines density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.New
Tool transforms lists of up to 10,000 keywords into an organized keyword structure.New
Online keyword suggestion, aggregating over 1 billion unique keywords and hundreds of millions of related terms from diverse sources.New
Check PR values across all Google datacenters.New
Online tool that returns structured keyword suggestions rather than a disorganized list.New
Google datacenter SERP checker.New
WordStreams suite of free keyword tools is the easiest way to improve the quality of your keyword research.New

Alexa Tools (4) Back to the top

Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking. Good for checking large number of domains.
3 month, 1 week, today Alexa Rank.
Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking. Good for checking large number of domains.
Input up to ten domains - get 1 week, 3 month average & 3 month up/down Alexa Ranking.
Shows anchor text for your sites backlinks.Best October Tool

Code Validation (2) Back to the top

RSS feeds validator
Official W3C compliance validator

Combined Keyword Suggestion Tools (1) Back to the top

Combine words script for PPC systems.

Combo Search Engine Ranking Tools (4) Back to the top

Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 30 for 11 Search Engines.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 50 for 9 Search Engines.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 100 for 5 Search Engines.
Input key phrase list & get Google & Yahoo Rankings.Best April Tool

Compare Search Engine Ranking Tools (8) Back to the top

Shows top results from 3 search engine.Best August Tool
Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.New
Combines search results from Google, Yahoo! & Ask Jeeves.
Meta search engine that combines Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves.
Google, Yahoo, MSN results in one search
Based off the Langreiter tool but lets you compare 6 different Search Engine Results with each other.
Langreiter - Graphic Compare of Google & Yahoo top 100 results.
Shows top 100 Yahoo/Google results together.

Domain Tools (17) Back to the top

Checks if you're linking to bad neighborhoods
Check what you Website looks like in different
Shows your links for differnet Class-C site.
Class C IP range checker.
Unique Class C IP Checker - Cut & Paste or load up a file.
Checks your domain and does email test.
Determines the age of the domains entered.Best January Tool
IP to host, host to ip, traceroute, whois zone file. Hot Tool!
Enter domain and getdomain age, number of pages indexed, and number of backlinks.
Server monitor and alert service
Shows HTTP headers the web server is sending.
Allow you to inspect the HTTP headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL.
Bulk class C IP address checker.
Checks if the partners still link back
Checks for redirects on a domain
Enter URL - Check your redirect to see if it is SE friendly
Shows the IP of your computer or routers.
Tests all links site wide and reports any broken links.
Track your one-way links - Shows status and PR.
Enter links - Reports back which ones are up, down or unreachable.
Lists internal and external links for input URL.

Google Ranking Tools (6) Back to the top

Enter domain/keyword and do different Google searches like site etc.
Shows the differnet Ranking results for different datacenters.
Google displays each results as one-liners with anchor text the title.
Shows Google rank position, PR, number of entries indexed, DMOZ and Google Dir status.
Enter URL/Keyword - Searches the first 1000 entries.
Google datacenter SERP checker.New

Google Sitemap Tools (1) Back to the top

A free online Google XML Sitemaps GeneratorBest September Tool

Internet Bookmarking (2) Back to the top

Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking

Keyword Suggestion Tools (14) Back to the top

Displays keyword data using Wordtracker and Google search results.
Reads meta keywords and hotlinks them to 3 keyword mining tools.
Keyword tool from Google that provides Specific and Similar keywords.
Queries Google for related relevant and popular terms.
Google keyword completions when searching.
Keyword searches from Espotting Media's (UK) PPC database.
Search Overture & WordTrackers database - Mines these terms with dictionary, thesaurus etc.Most Improved Tool
Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of 9 search engines.
Keyword searches from Overture and Wordtracker (Wordtracker displays singular/plural & correct order).
Online keyword suggestion, aggregating over 1 billion unique keywords and hundreds of millions of related terms from diverse sources.New
Online tool that returns structured keyword suggestions rather than a disorganized list.New
Searches Overture data for 16 countries and more.
Shows keywords and frequency searched on Overture (Yahoo/MSN) last month.
Provides keyword suggestions along and keyword traffic estimates for the entered website.

Keyword Tools (8) Back to the top

Compares the popularity of two words - Good for checking Plural/Singlar.
Enter URL - Generators keyword phrases from your webpage and displays density.
Enter URL - Displays 1, 2, and 3 word combinations.
Enter URL/Keywork - Displays density each different page component.
Enter URL, determines density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.New
Tool transforms lists of up to 10,000 keywords into an organized keyword structure.New
Enter URL - Webpage stats PR/Links/W3C/etc.
Provides synonymous terms to keywords - Use these in your webpage text.
Blacklink analyzer that shows URL and anchor text.Best December Tool
Enter URL - Rates for link appeal.
Shows links/pages for Google/Yahoo/MSN/Ask/Alexa
Lists inbound links from 7 search engines & provides history.Best June Tool
Shows inbound links for Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Allintheweb & Hotbot.
Enter URL - Displays backlinks on 5 Search Engines.
Statistics regarding a site popularity
Shows IBLs,, DMOZ, EDU, & GOV links.Best February Tool
Checks Links on 5 Search Engines, PR, Alexa Ranking, DMOZ.
Off-page (popularity) stats

Misc Tools (8) Back to the top

Input URL shows AdSense Ads for that web page.
Allows you to check the Yahoo WebRank of up to 5 URLs at a time.
See if your domain appears in 10 Internet Directory's.
Enter URL - Shows number of pages for 5 Search Engines.
WordStreams suite of free keyword tools is the easiest way to improve the quality of your keyword research.New
Checks for cached pages and provides cache date.
Creates Mod-Rewrite rules to convert dynamic URLs to static looking URLs.
Full page popularity stats

MSN Ranking Tools (2) Back to the top

MSN Search for up to 15 keywords on one domain.
MSN Beta Rankings - Search Engine Rankings.

Page Rank Tools (3) Back to the top

Checks datacenters for BL, PR and Ranking.
View PR during updates on 18 data-centers one screen one search.
Shows PR on the differnet Google datacenters.

Pay Per Click Tools (2) Back to the top

CPM and CPC return on investment calculators.
Overture bid amounts for keywords
Input webpage - Returns number of inbound links for each PR position.
Input keyword - Shows PR and Backlinks.
Looks at your URL and predicts PR
Cut & Paste - Shows PR for unlimited sites.
Check PR values across all Google datacenters.Best March Tool
Construct the relationship of your website pages & calculate PR.
Google search results with PR bar and inbound links.
Mark Horrell's Pagerank Calculator
Cut & Paste - Shows PR of up to 100 URLs.
Displays Google by pagerank - IMPROVED Prog Tool.

Robots.txt Tools (2) Back to the top

Creates simple robots.txt file.
Checks your robots.txt file for errors.

RSS Tools (0) Back to the top

Search Engine Position Tools (5) Back to the top

G/Y/M/A ranking, pages, backlinks, allinanchor, & domain age.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays PR/Backlinks/Pages for top 10.Tool Of The Year
Shows pages, BL, PR, unique domains etc.
Shows pages, BL, PR, Allinanchor, keyword density, etc.
Tracks Ranking movement on Google for 1000 keywords.
Rates difficulty of ranking on Google for key phrase.
Show value of text link ad.
Calculates link value per month rental.

Toolbars (7) Back to the top

Download File - Toolbar displays PageRank has Google Search.
Download File - Toolbar displays PageRank has Google Search.
Download Files - DL the Mozdev Googlebar and add the PR bar for both Mozilla and Firefox.
Download File - PR Toolbar Widget for Macintosh.
Download File - Toolbar for Beta MSN Search.
Download file - Toolbar for Yahoo Search.
Download file - Toolbar for Yahoo Search.

Track Ranking Tools (1) Back to the top

Graph view of Google rankings for keywords.Best November Tool

Web Site Optimization Tools (13) Back to the top

Sophisticated meta tag generator.
Shows information lots of information for your site.
Enter URLs - Calculates Code to Text Ratio.
Searches for copies of your page on the Web.
Shows if you are in the Google index.
Enter meta info - Creates meta tag code.
Creates meta tags for 9 tags.
Use in Diagnostics View to see order of spidered text.
Enter URL - Displays page content minus code.
Spiders your page and shows what the spider sees.
Enter URLs - Compares pages for similar content.
Checks over your web page for things to numerous to note.
Enter URL/Keyword - Checks copy for optimization.

Yahoo Ranking Tools (2) Back to the top

Shows Yahoo rank position, numbmer of entries indexed.
Enter URL/Keyword - Searches the first 1000 entries.