Google Webmaster Tools Updated

Recently Google updated it's Webmaster Tools, there are no major enhancements but they've added some new settings and organized others. Let's take a look:

The first thing we'll notice is a new tab called Settings where Google has grouped some configuration options for us.

Google Webmaster Tools

Geographic target
If your site is meant for a specific country then you'll be able to select the geographic location, this will get you better SERPs on local searches.

Preferred domain
Here we'll also be able to select how we want Google to display our domain name, for example if we prefer or

Image search
Here we have the ability to tell Google whether we want our images included in the Google Image Labeler.

Crawl rate
The last setting in this tab is the Crawl rate, don't confuse this with how often Google crawls your site, this only affects the speed that Googlebot uses to crawl your site and will help you avoid overwhelming your server with requests.
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