Google Webmaster Tools Updated

Written by Yo, on 9:12 PM
Recently Google updated it's Webmaster Tools, there are no major enhancements but they've added some new settings and organized others. Let's take a look:

The first thing we'll notice is a new tab called Settings where Google has grouped some configuration options for us.

Google Webmaster Tools

Geographic target
If your site is meant for a specific country then you'll be able to select the geographic location, this will get you better SERPs on local searches.

Preferred domain
Here we'll also be able to select how we want Google to display our domain name, for example if we prefer or

Image search
Here we have the ability to tell Google whether we want our images included in the Google Image Labeler.

Crawl rate
The last setting in this tab is the Crawl rate, don't confuse this with how often Google crawls your site, this only affects the speed that Googlebot uses to crawl your site and will help you avoid overwhelming your server with requests.

Google Webmaster Tools

Written by Yo, on 11:12 AM

The first stop for anyone looking to work their way into google is Google Webmaster Tools. First of all it's free, Google doesn't charge anything!!!!.

I will cover here the basics to get you started with Google Webmaster Tools. What is it?. It's a one-stop-shop for webmasters to get detailed reports about their visibility on Google. It will tell you what if any pages are indexed and alert you to some possible errors.

When you first login you will be taken to the Dashboard, where you will see a list of your sites, the number of Sitemaps you've added and if you've already Verified your site.

The first step is to Verify your website, without this you won't get very far. There are some instances where this is done automatically for you, for example if you've created a new Blog @ it will automatically add your blog and verify it (as long as you are using the same Google Account).

In order to verify your site google provides you with a couple of options, you can either choose to add a Meta Tag to your files or create an HTML file with a specific name, either way it's pretty easy to accomplish.

I won't cover sitemaps specifically here, you can learn more about them @ DNN SEO and Blogger SEO. Just make sure you get them and add them so that Google can index your website better.

When you click on your website name it will take you to an overview page where you will get some pretty important information right off the bat:

  • Home Page Craw: It says whether or not googlebot has crawled your homepage
  • Index Status: It will tell you if any of your pages are included in the google index and if they are included in your Sitemap.
  • Web crawl errors: Here you will see a list of possible problems that the googlebot has encountered when it indexes your pages. Pay carefull attention here since some of these errors might prevent your website from being crawled correctly. You can go into more detail about his by clicking on the Diagnostics tab and then Web crawl.
As mentioned earlier you will get a list here of the errors that googlebot encounters when visiting your website.

Pay close attention to the Content analysis section, here you will warnings about your page titles, descriptions and duplicate content.

Don't expect to see any live stats, or anything close. At best the stats we get here are days old, sometimes weeks. But it does give us a glimpse into what's going on with our website. You'll have to wait a while before you get stats for the first time after you've added your website, so be patient.

First we have the Top search queries, here you will find out how your website ranks for specific user searches and which one drove traffic to your website.

You also have the What Googlebot sees tab, where you will get the all of the anchor text that links back to your site that google has already indexed. This will give you a pretty good idea of how people are linking back to you.

Crawl stats indicate how much time & content Googlebot has gotten off your website and in the bottom part you will see how your pages average out in terms of PageRank, it would be a lot better if google put the actual pagerank numbers listed next to each page.

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