List of Free Search Engine Submission Areas

List of Free Search Engine Submission Areas

directory and search engine submission areas - all free!
Once your site is optimized we submit it to the search engines and directories below. You can use the links below to do all your submitting yourself. It's very easy! These links take you directly to the submit areas and all you do is put in your Web site address (URL) and E-mail address. We advise you that if you choose to do this yourself you should create yourself an E-mail to use just for submitting. In some cases you are asked for an E-mail address in order to register your site. This might be a generator of spam so be safe! A good tip to combat this is to use a Hotmail, GMail or Yahoo! E-mail account to keep spam out of your business E-mail box.
To submit your site to directories, simply navigate through the directory, as if you were looking for your site, to find the category that would best fit what your service/product is. Once you find the category you want your site in, click on the add your URL link. Simply follow the directions to submit your site for consideration (meaning there is NO guarantee they will list you!
*** as the weeks go by more and more search engines are becoming nonexistent, bought, sold or useless. we will do our best to update this list as often as we can however we can not be responsible for its validity. thank you to those of you that E-mail us to report bad links or vanished search engines. LAST UPDATE 4/22/2010

List of Free Directories

Navigate through the directory, as if you were looking for your site, to find the category that would best fit what your service/product is. Once you find the category you want your site in, click on the add your URL link. Follow the directions to submit your site for consideration (meaning there is NO guarantee they will list you!)

Don't Spam

Any "trick" or practice you are having to go out of your way in order to achieve a higher ranking in the search engines is probably a spam tactic. When in doubt, ask yourself "will this practice benefit my users in anyway?" If the answer is no, then you're probably spamming. Example: Hidden text does not help your users in ANY way, they can't even see it! Usually the driving force behind such a practice is the hopes of ranking high in the search engines.
The following are considered spam tactics:
  • Keyword Stuffing The repeated use of a word or phrase. Search engines have the ability to analyze a page and determine whether the frequency is above a "normal" level in proportion to the rest of the words in the document.
  • Invisible/Hidden Text Using text color the same as that of the page background; which is also detectable by the engines.
  • Tiny Text Same as invisible text but with tiny, illegible text. 
  • Page Redirects Search engines do not like pages that take the user to another page without his or her intervention, e.g. using META refresh tags, cgi scripts, Java, JavaScript, or server side techniques.
  • Meta Tag Stuffing Do not repeat your keyword phrases in your Meta tags more than once, and do not use keywords that are unrelated to your site's content.
  • Doorway Pages - web pages that are created for spamdexing, this is, for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending you to a different page. They are also known as landing pages, bridge pages, portal pages, zebra pages, jump pages, gateway pages, entry pages and by other names. Doorway pages that redirect visitors without their knowledge use some form of cloaking. (Taken from

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