SEO Tricks Or Google Search Algorithm Glitch?

I haven’t really understood nor tried understanding all the intricate details of the Google search algorithm, thus I can only react in amazement at some seemingly strange output in some google search results. Maybe if I take the time to do some really in-depth research on this matter, I might not be so surprised. One search I did recently returned the following:
SEO Tricks Or Google Search Algorithm Glitch
As you can see, I did a search on the term “domain names + unnecessary words”. I got interested in the first two search returns. I guess everyone gets interested in the first two or three items but this one is different in that the snippets of both are exactly the same. The SEOQuake data underneath each one says the first one has no PR rank while the second (and the third and fourth) has PR3. A closer look also revealed that a large part of the contents (including the snippet) of the former was copied from the latter (although the duplication was given due credit). The rest of the former’s page content are also copied from other sites. In other words, the first site, which ranks first in this particular serp, is a page full of content copied word for word from other sites. And it ranked higher than the original site from which it copied its contents.
seo tricks
As shown in the above image, the first site’s page, with duplicate contents, outranked others with aged domains, too. So far, this and the above-mentioned premises go against what (little) I’ve learned so far in the seo game.

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